Here , we going to discuss about ,"which is better? tanki online or tanki x" . most of us played tanki online but never heard of tanki x . so , read cons and pro in both of 'em. which is better you will get to know. So start comparing them
tanki x vs tanki online |
Tanki online graphic
here are few screenshot of tanki online while playing it. here we can se the quality of graphic is quit old, cause it works on Flash player.The auro has no extra make over , looks are vintage and it's seems like we are playing old 90's game.
tanki onl;ine screenshot |
Tanki X graphic
here we have tanki x screenshot and we can clearly see how good and magnificent graphic quality is . The trees ,grass and building looks so similar to the PC games now we play. The makeover if every thing looks precious.But its look glicthy and graphics may look different.
tanki x screenshot - 01 |
tanki x screenshot -02 |
summary- after the comparision , there nothing more to tell about and it's simply clearify that tanki x have great and better graphic compare to tanki online , But it does not make it suppirrior than tanki online.Here are more advantage and distadvantages are left in "both" of them.
Gamplay and Game story
Tanki online gamplay/story - so the gameplay in tanki online is gud and easy , every thing is very ease to understand .There are 5-6 story line to play game. Works perfect in slow internet but have to face few lagging (small lagging) but it is not the major problem i guess.
Tanki x gameplay/story - In one word it is completly "trash" not comparetivily to tanki online. Not that easy to understand it might to took 2-3 day to understand the manual of the game.Gameplay do not feel realistic as the tanki online.
Now which is easy,simple and worthy to play ?
In every angle and cons and pro in my opinions , tanki online is all way better than tanki x . it is worthy and ease , its easy to understand the manual , gameplay and setting.
where as you can play tanki online in your browser to , but that facility is missing in tanki x. yes u cant play it on your browser , you have to download the game and after downloading you have to again face a trouble which is updates 'lots of update' , approx 1gb update is needed to play. even that the the game is not worth it.
My suggestiom -
In my suggestion , tanki online is still on the top . sometime graphic does'nt matter. although tanki online best to play.